Our Cultural Behavioral Indicator Analysis (CBI) is developed to give boards and CEOs a practical tool for attaining insights into the organization’s culture and to what extent the defined purpose, culture, and values are implemented. Based on this insight created by our CBI survey, the board and Senior Executive Team are well-positioned to have a factual, qualitative, and quantitative discussion about how to ensure and promote a good culture and sound values in the organization that is well aligned with the company's purpose. Additionally, the board will comply with best board practices (and the governance code), and if the survey is repeated, you can measure progress over time.

Cultural Behavioural Indicator Analysis
Many agree with Peter Drucker that “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Numerous studies show that corporate or organizational culture starts at the top. Understanding the culture at the highest leadership levels is paramount for enabling the board and Senior Executives to influence the active implementation of the desired culture. Still, most boards and Senior Executives lack the means to know the cultural state of the organization.

Interested in self-evaluation? Try Online Board Evaluations
Well-aligned with national corporate and foundation/charity governance codes, our board clients usually conduct an external board evaluation every three years. However, most national governance codes recommend that boards perform a self-evaluation in the years between external board evaluations. Therefore, we have developed OnlineBoardEvaluations.com, a tool enabling boards to self-evaluate effectively and effortlessly every year.
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